put off the old : put on the new

HI HI...please leave a comment when you are done reading...and pleaase ask questions if you have.. thank you Ephesians 4:22-24 put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires, to be made new in the ATTITUDE of the MINDS, and to put on the new self, created to be like GOD in true righteuosness and holiness. Recently, i had a fight with one of my close friends, she didnt apologise neither did i apologise to her, we would actually see ourselves in school and walk pass, we would be with other friends and not talk to each other, that went on for quite sometime, a friend even approached me to talk about the whole drama: friend: this is gettting too long, i think you guys should have a talk maria: na its okay, i feel peace, i really dont want a talk friend: okay maria: the truth is that i actually made a DECISION to be on my own, because we dont get along, we always fight and argue, and it drains my energy and all so lets remai...