HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE Here is another year of making new resolutions A time we write down all the things we wish to do, A time we wish to make new friends and exit old ones A time we promise ourselves to be more serious I personally can't do without making new resolutions, i do this because i love targeting my life, i do it more frequent than once in a year, but i do it at the beginning of every year because its NEW, new decisions, new date, new everything. Its a personal culture and mindset though. I write down all the habits i wish to stop in my new journal for that year, how to stop those bad habits and maybe good habits to replace. Before, i learnt how to do it the right way, i would write down everything in my journal on 31st night and i would keep to this for at least 1 month and everything goes back to normal. Make sure you continue reading, because i will eventually say why it happens this way. but before i go into that...