war against the mind
HI..... there is only one you, you don't have the same potential as your friend, sister, brother, role model... there is only one of you in the world, you have to find your own way, the beauty of your uniqueness is doing what has never been done, why is someone else dictating your life and thoughts? why are you letting the media encourage you to be who you are not? why are you doing what every other person is doing? why are you so captivated with living other people's dreams and visions? why are you afraid to live your own life,? why do you think doing it your own way is not the best? why do you think the world do not need your idea? why are you struggling to be who people expect you to be? why do you let people around you hold you back? why are you waiting to be perfect before becoming something in life? why are you waiting for convenience, opportunities to move you? why do you let excuses bound you? excuses get you zero percent closer to your goals. its cool to be a dreamer ...
Great write up. I believe what people are longing for is a sense of belonging, they want to belong somewhere, they want to be accepted by someone, they want to be loved by someone, and when they don't get these they feel this emptiness called loneliness. Loneliness is an emotion but it's spiritual, God created man for relationship with Him, and nothing, absolutely nothing in this world can replace that hole in the heart of man that God meant for Himself to fill. Everyone will feel lonely if they don't have Jesus Christ in their life, one can be in a crowd and feel lonely, one can organize a birthday party to have friends come and celebrate him and yet still long for something, a relationship, not a relationship with the opposite sex, but a relationship with Jesus Christ. Emotions change, when someone tries to fill in that emptiness with a boyfriend - girlfriend relationship, after a while their emotions will change and they will find themselves lonely even though they are together. The solution is Jesus Christ, when one has Jesus Christ in his life, he can be alone and not be lonely.